Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, ...Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, enticing percussion, high-pitched clarinet and violin to sweep in and support fast-paced momentum. Trumpet solo at 01:24 reminiscent of laughter or excitable wailing. Impassioned and excitable atmosphere suitable for Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah.
Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, ...Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, enticing percussion to sweep in and bolster fast-paced momentum. Trumpet solo at 01:24 reminiscent of laughter or excitable wailing. Impassioned and excitable atmosphere suitable for Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Stripped back underscore version.
Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Double bass launches into rushing ...Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Double bass launches into rushing oom-pah melody alongside piano. Trumpet and trombone unite creating a more dense atmosphere. Impassioned and excitable atmosphere suitable for Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Stripped back underscore version.
Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, ...Pacy, celebratory, energetic. Piano plays rushing oom-pah melody, enticing percussion and high-pitched clarinet to sweep in and support fast-paced momentum. Impassioned and excitable atmosphere suitable for Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Stripped back underscore version.
Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Wobbling bass emerges from reverbed ...Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Wobbling bass emerges from reverbed backdrop as sweet bells play out a spooky tune, backed by off-key euphoria and sharp austere string rhythms. A sense of unease slowly closing in. Individuals realising their dire situation slowly but surely as percussion picks up. Organic stringwork gives a classy feel, a spy story. Tension rises at 01:02 with distorted guitar and heavy drums.
Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Wobbling bass emerges from reverbed ...Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Wobbling bass emerges from reverbed backdrop as sweet muffled piano plays out a spooky tune. Plucked strings offer a sense of prickly tension. Rising strings into heavy drumming and gnarled distorted guitar gives a sense of danger and apprehension. A sense of unease slowly closing in. Stripped back underscore version.
Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Cold muffled piano leaks out with a spooky ...Unsure, eerie, dangerous. Cold muffled piano leaks out with a spooky tune. Percussion builds around uncertain tune as a sense of unease is communicated with distorted guitar and heavy strings. Stripped back underscore version.
Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and ...Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and distorted guitars before strings swoop in, giving a sophisticated vibe. A lengthy political argument or crisis situation. Instrumentation builds with crunchy guitar sounds offering a sense of raw power. Crescendo falls away at 01:25 back into strident string movements.
Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and ...Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and distorted guitars before strings swoop in, giving a sophisticated vibe. A lengthy political argument or crisis situation. Instrumentation builds with crunchy guitar sounds offering a sense of raw power. Crescendo falls away at 01:25 back into strident string movements. Stripped back underscore version.
Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and ...Pressured, strong, momentous. Electrified atmosphere from muted and distorted guitars before strings swoop in, giving a sophisticated vibe. A lengthy political argument or crisis situation. Chugging rhythm gives a tense feeling. Instrumentation builds with crunchy guitar sounds offering a sense of raw power. Crescendo falls away at 01:25 back into strident string movements. Stripped back underscore version.
Epic, dangerous, serious. Plucked strings give a tense and bright ...Epic, dangerous, serious. Plucked strings give a tense and bright atmosphere as sustained strings move in, conveying shock and intrigue. A slowly developing disaster situation as instrumentation builds, electronic bass snarling in the backdrop. Chugging guitar offers a feeling of strength and dread.
Epic, dangerous, serious. Keys and strings give a tense atmosphere as ...Epic, dangerous, serious. Keys and strings give a tense atmosphere as percussive sounds cause a feeling of unpredictability to emerge. A slowly developing disaster situation as instrumentation builds, electronic bass snarling in the backdrop. Chugging guitar offers a feeling of strength and dread. Stripped back underscore version.
Determined, rocky, cool. Fiery rock guitars build up with drums in a ...Determined, rocky, cool. Fiery rock guitars build up with drums in a powerful indie rock style, strong, blues-y chord progressions offer a sense of seriousness. An individual preparing to save the world or for a showdown against bad people. Addition of electronic drums and synths give a feeling of modernity. Vocals offer a more communal, organic feeling. Building into cathartic crescendo at 01:16 before smouldering down into a soulful conclusion.
Determined, rocky, cool. Fiery rock guitars build up with drums in a ...Determined, rocky, cool. Fiery rock guitars build up with drums in a powerful indie rock style, strong, blues-y chord progressions offer a sense of seriousness. An individual preparing to save the world or for a showdown against bad people. Addition of electronic drums and synths give a feeling of modernity. Building into cathartic crescendo at 01:16 before smouldering down into a soulful conclusion. Instrumental version.
Determined, rocky, cool. Guitar and synths launch into blues-y chord ...Determined, rocky, cool. Guitar and synths launch into blues-y chord progressions. An individual preparing to save the world or for a showdown against bad people. Rough, rustic vibe from instrumentation. Stripped back underscore version.
Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of ...Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of emotion and depth. A person looking up at the night sky and hoping for better. Drums launch into upbeat but wistful indie energy with passionate vocals. Violins and guitars offer an organic sense of emotion. A person finding their place in the world, the beauty of sparkly stars and the majesty of the heavens mixing with one's sense of self-belief.
Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of ...Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of emotion and depth. A person looking up at the night sky and hoping for better. Drums launch into upbeat but wistful indie energy. Violins and guitars offer an organic sense of emotion. A person finding their place in the world, the beauty of sparkly stars and the majesty of the heavens mixing with one's sense of self-belief. Instrumental version.
Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of ...Wistful, sparkling, hopeful. Bright guitar line gives a sense of emotion and depth. A person looking up at the night sky and hoping for better. A person finding their place in the world, the beauty of sparkly stars and the majesty of the heavens mixing with one's sense of self-belief. Stripped back underscore version.
Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of ...Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of drama and a vast landscape, with flute FX offering images of wide open seas and rough waves. Launch into energetic folk instrumentation. Gravelly voiced male vocals sing of life on the seas, danger and unforgiving conditions. Fiery guitar gives a sense of rebelliousness.歌词
Hey hey hey Hey Hey hey hey.
Arrrrrrr Mutiny will not be tolerated, Hey hey hey Hey Hey hey hey, The sea’s a cold mistress, The ocean claims her own, Mutiny will not be tolerated, Dead men tell no tales, Save yourself, Dead men tell no tales, Fire in the hole Fire in the hole, The ocean claims her own, The sea is a cold mistress, When we take your gold, We take no prisoners, Arrrrrrr Arrrrrrr Arrrrrrr, Mutiny will not be tolerated.
Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of ...Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of drama and a vast landscape, with wavering strings offering images of wide open seas and rough waves. Launch into energetic folk instrumentation. Fiery guitar gives a sense of rebelliousness. Alternative version.
Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of ...Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of drama and a vast landscape, with wavering strings offering images of wide open seas and rough waves. Launch into energetic folk instrumentation. Fiery guitar gives a sense of rebelliousness. Instrumental version.
Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of ...Nautical, spirited, eerie. Sparse instrumentation gives a sense of drama and a vast landscape, with wavering strings offering images of wide open seas and rough waves. Launch into energetic folk instrumentation. Fiery guitar gives a sense of rebelliousness. Stripped back underscore version.
Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out ...Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out with glittery guitar and triumphant piano chord sequence. Vocal sections give a sense of inspiration that grows in crescendo breaking at 00:42 into upbeat fun pop style. Bright synths convey a sense of wonder and excitement.
Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out ...Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out with glittery guitar and triumphant piano chord sequence. An atmosphere of inspiration that grows in crescendo breaking at 00:42 into upbeat fun pop style. Bright synths convey a sense of wonder and excitement. Instrumental version.
Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out ...Uplifting, bright, rousing. Euphoric ballad instrumentation plays out with glittery guitar and triumphant piano chord sequence. An atmosphere of inspiration that grows in crescendo breaking at 00:42. Bright synths convey a sense of wonder and excitement. Stripped back underscore version.
Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings ...Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings with a sense of optimism mixed with a grave style. Heroes weighing up their chances at victory, happy conclusion coming with crescendo at 00:30 with fast-paced snare hits and emphatic vocals conveying celebration. A dynamic style with rises and falls conveys an adventure of twists and turns. Challenges given to a group of worthy warriors or good people.
Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings ...Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings with a sense of optimism mixed with a grave style. Heroes weighing up their chances at victory, happy conclusion coming with crescendo at 00:30 with fast-paced snare hits conveying energy and celebration. A dynamic style with rises and falls conveys an adventure of twists and turns. Challenges given to a group of worthy warriors or good people. Instrumental version.
Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings ...Victorious, energetic, ecstatic. Synths play out alongside strings with a sense of optimism mixed with a grave style. Heroes weighing up their chances at victory, happy conclusion coming with crescendo at 00:30. A dynamic style with rises and falls conveys an adventure of twists and turns. Challenges given to a group of worthy warriors or good people. Stripped back underscore version.
Exotic, sultry, determined. Sub bass gives rise to sharp dissonance, ...Exotic, sultry, determined. Sub bass gives rise to sharp dissonance, warped vocal samples call out into a echoing landscape. A sense of uncertainty and concern before shifting into steady trap beat with ethnic instrumentation, fast trilling pipes from India or Asia. An individual walking through a place they are not used to, or a sense of unease gripping the world as an event happens.
Exotic, sultry, determined. Sub bass gives rise to sharp dissonance, ...Exotic, sultry, determined. Sub bass gives rise to sharp dissonance, warped vocal samples call out into a echoing landscape. A sense of uncertainty and concern before shifting into steady trap beat with ethnic instrumentation. An individual walking through a place they are not used to, or a sense of unease gripping the world as an event happens. Stripped back underscore version.
Uplifting, relaxed, yearning. Bright bells create a fun melody, with ...Uplifting, relaxed, yearning. Bright bells create a fun melody, with strings and hand drums offering a sense of drama and passion. A montage of important news stories or an individual exploring a library in a humid, hot country. A sense of intrigue presented at 00:56 with longing melodies pushing forwards with pride and tenacity.
Uplifting, relaxed, yearning. Bright bells create a fun melody, with ...Uplifting, relaxed, yearning. Bright bells create a fun melody, with strings and light percussion offering a sense of momentum and intrigue. A montage of important news stories or an individual exploring a library in a humid, hot country. A sense of intrigue presented at 00:56 with longing melodies pushing forwards with pride and tenacity. Stripped back underscore version.
Elegant, uncertain, thoughtful. Intriguing bell melody is joined by ...Elegant, uncertain, thoughtful. Intriguing bell melody is joined by buoyant tuneful percussion moving into sturdy rhythm. Resonant vocal-sounding synths convey a feeling of organic warmth, a situation involving humans cooperating. Slow and patient percussion gives a sense of meaningfulness with clarinets and guitar offering tinges of sorrow amid wondrous instrumentation.
Elegant, uncertain, thoughtful. Intriguing bell melody is joined by ...Elegant, uncertain, thoughtful. Intriguing bell melody is joined by sweeping shaker percussion moving into a sturdy rhythm. Resonant vocal-sounding synths convey a feeling of organic warmth, a situation involving humans cooperating. Slow and patient percussion gives a sense of meaningfulness with clarinets and guitar offering tinges of sorrow amid wondrous instrumentation. Stripped back underscore version.
Bright, upbeat, graceful. Resonant bells mesh with tuneful drums to ...Bright, upbeat, graceful. Resonant bells mesh with tuneful drums to create a feeling of fluid movement. Strings sweep in with serious sounding swells. Inquisitive bell moment at 00:20 displays an atmosphere where determination and logic wins over emotion. A team of scientists looking to solve a serious issue, or a community of people preparing themselves for a disaster or drought.
Bright, upbeat, graceful. Resonant bells play out proudly, joined by ...Bright, upbeat, graceful. Resonant bells play out proudly, joined by serious swelling strings. Inquisitive bell moment at 00:20 displays an atmosphere where determination and logic wins over emotion. A team of scientists looking to solve a serious issue, or a community of people preparing themselves for a disaster or drought. Stripped back underscore version.
Intriguing, uncertain, adventurous. Piano plays out with a cool and ...Intriguing, uncertain, adventurous. Piano plays out with a cool and menacing style, joined by strange dissonant swells. A strange and unknown location as a protagonist makes their way through it confidently. Mood shifts at 00:30 with promising piano offering a light in the darkness. Steady rhythm offers a sense of reassurance amid feelings of confusion and uncertainty.
Intriguing, uncertain, adventurous. Piano plays out with a cool and ...Intriguing, uncertain, adventurous. Piano plays out with a cool and menacing style, joined by strange dissonant swells. A strange and unknown location as a protagonist makes their way through it confidently. Mood shifts at 00:30 with promising piano offering a light in the darkness. Stripped back underscore version.
Deep, yearning, vulnerable. A steady rhythm strides alongside an ...Deep, yearning, vulnerable. A steady rhythm strides alongside an impassioned bell and piano sequence. Joined by sitar as momentum gathers. A sense of pain and anguish, an individual questioning their life, striving onward but losing hope. Gentle sequence at 00:58 with pleading tone from piano melody and sinister clarinet notes. Sense of spirit bolstered and supported with return of determined melody at 01:28.
Deep, yearning, vulnerable. Impassioned piano sequence is ensnared by ...Deep, yearning, vulnerable. Impassioned piano sequence is ensnared by dissonance and swelling resonant notes. Sitar joins to support momentum. A sense of pain and anguish, an individual questioning their life, striving onward but losing hope. Stripped back underscore version.
Yearning, determined, significant. Echoed cymbal beckons in ...Yearning, determined, significant. Echoed cymbal beckons in fast-paced guitar and bittersweet strings quickly building into a pacy drumbeat. A feeling of longing and desperation, an individual searching for someone through crowds, eager to find them. Decisive percussive impacts communicate a confident determination offset by the tragic tinges of guitar and vocals.
Yearning, determined, significant. Echoed cymbal beckons in ...Yearning, determined, significant. Echoed cymbal beckons in fast-paced guitar and bittersweet strings quickly building into a pacy drumbeat. A feeling of longing and desperation, an individual searching for someone through crowds, eager to find them. Decisive percussive impacts communicate a confident determination offset by the tragic tinges of guitar. Instrumental version.
Yearning, determined, significant. Fast-paced guitar and bittersweet ...Yearning, determined, significant. Fast-paced guitar and bittersweet string euphoria quickly building into a pacy drumbeat. A feeling of longing and desperation, an individual searching for someone through crowds, eager to find them. Decisive guitar strumming and piano notes communicate a confident determination offset by the tragic tinges of guitar. Stripped back underscore version.
Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches into lively ...Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches into lively drumbeat with layered guitars conveying a sense of warmth and longing, reminiscent of an individual or group of individuals leaving home to venture into the great big world. Indie sensibility from electric guitar and chorus of voices cooing passionately. Cathartic climax at 01:44 with powerful kick drum sounds into breakdown with whistling and pacy instrumentation.
Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches into lively ...Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches into lively drumbeat with layered guitars conveying a sense of warmth and longing, reminiscent of an individual or group of individuals leaving home to venture into the great big world. Indie sensibility from electric guitar. Cathartic climax at 01:44 with powerful kick drum sounds into breakdown with pacy instrumentation. Instrumental version.
Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches lively ...Homely, encouraging, yearning. Pacy folk guitar launches lively sequence with banjo, reminiscent of an individual or group of individuals leaving home to venture into the great big world. Countryside vibe from organic instrumentation. Stripped back underscore version.
Tense, dramatic, urgent. Tense beeping synth tune moves alongside ...Tense, dramatic, urgent. Tense beeping synth tune moves alongside string pedal note. Steady kick drum rhythm and light percussion sets a pacy tempo, flanked by dramatic drum hits and risers. Austere atmosphere communicated by determined but daunting melody, montage of events around the world such as conflict, natural disasters and human achievement. Synth tune rises and falls underneath the growing instrumentation creating an urgent ticking, heartbeat feeling.
Tense, dramatic, urgent. Risers and dramatic percussion set out a ...Tense, dramatic, urgent. Risers and dramatic percussion set out a pacy tempo. Austere atmosphere communicated by determined but daunting melody, montage of events around the world such as conflict, natural disasters and human achievement. Loop bed version.
Tense, dramatic, urgent. Dramatic melodies and percussion set out an ...Tense, dramatic, urgent. Dramatic melodies and percussion set out an astute but serious atmosphere. Soaring string melodies glide triumphantly, before riser climaxes into silence. Sting A version.
Tense, dramatic, urgent. Dramatic melodies set out through strings ...Tense, dramatic, urgent. Dramatic melodies set out through strings and synth, launching into climactic percussion with riser. Sting B version.
Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion, bells and ...Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion, bells and strings create a tense but adult atmosphere. The slow marching rhythm conveys a struggle for progress, striving onwards despite difficulty. Overdriven guitar chopped-up and risers gift a more digital feeling, reminiscent of a news desk frantically reporting on serious issues around the world.
Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion, chopped ...Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion, chopped up, overdriven guitar and strings convey a tense atmosphere. Reminiscent of a news desk frantically reporting on serious issues around the world. Loop bed version.
Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion leads into ...Urgent, adventurous, sophisticated. Thundering percussion leads into strings and guitar. Bells create an adult feeling, astute and professional. Sting A version.
Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Synth horns play through a rousing ...Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Synth horns play through a rousing melody, before instrumentation settles into a soaring and striking style. A voice for truth amongst misinformation and confusion. Pedal bass notes convey a struggle onwards. Floaty synth notes towards the end illustrate a futuristic aura, all the information you need compiled on one heroic newscast.
Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Pedal bass note sets out a tense but ...Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Pedal bass note sets out a tense but steady rhythm. Floaty synth notes towards the end convey a futuristic side, all the information you need compiled on one heroic newscast. Loop bed version.
Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Rousing percussion and melody convey a ...Urgent, triumphant, dramatic. Rousing percussion and melody convey a striking, proud atmosphere. Builds up with synth horns and strings into an impassioned climax. Sting A version